
The essential oils and perfume oils are NOT for consumption. No liability will be assumed by DBR Exports India or its employees, shareholders or any of its affiliates for any claims arising out of the misuse or otherwise of our Perfume oils and essential oils or any other product sold online and offline or manufactured by DBR Exports India.

Please keep all essential oils, perfume oils and fragrance products out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, have heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, diabetes, or have any medical condition that can be affected by essential oils or fragrances, please seek the advice of a health professional before using any of our products/oils.

Skin test is essential for all our products before using. Apply a small amount, about a drop or less, to the skin on your inner arm. Do not use if redness or irritation occurs. Keep all essential oils, perfume oils and fragrance products away from eyes and mucous membranes. If redness, burning, itching or irritation occurs, stop using product immediately and consult your medical provider / Doctor.

The technical information and the product description on this web site are for the person/s having the technical skills and intended for the education purpose only. DBR Exports India, presumes that every buyer of our product or products has already performed necessary investigations, tests and evaluations of such technical information and using our product or products at their own risk and discretion. Hence DBR Exports India cannot be held liable for any kind of damages caused by the use/misuse of our products.

Though the technical information shared on this web site is believed to be reliable, still we do not take any guarantee of its accuracy. Every viewer or buyer must make their own analysis and judgment to check the suitability of our products and its use/s, so as to protect environment, health and safety of themselves, their customers and their employees. Neither DBR Exports India nor its affiliates can held responsible for the use of such technical information, any products, method, or apparatus described on this web site. 

We make no warranty, express or implied of merchantability or fitness of any product for a particular use or purpose. DBR Exports India, its employees, shareholders or affiliates is/are not at all responsible in any ways for the use/misuse of information provided on this web site.

DBR exports India does not deal in IFRA restricted chemicals:

  1. Hexachlorophene Because of its neurotoxin effect and ability to penetrate human skin, hexachlorophene (HCP) may be used only when an alternative preservative has not been shown to be as effective. The HCP concentration of the cosmetic may not exceed 0.1 percent, and it may not be used in cosmetics that in normal use may be applied to mucous membranes, such as the lips. 
  2. Mercury compounds are readily absorbed through the skin on topical application and tend to accumulate in the body. They may cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, or neurotoxin manifestations. The use of mercury compounds as cosmetic ingredients is limited to eye area cosmetics at concentrations not exceeding 65 parts per million (0.0065 percent) of mercury calculated as the metal (about 100 ppm or 0.01 percent phenyl mercuric acetate or nitrate) and provided no other effective and safe preservative is available for use. All other cosmetics containing mercury are adulterated and subject to regulatory action unless it occurs in a trace amount of less than 1 part per million (0.0001 percent) calculated as the metal and its presence is unavoidable under conditions of good manufacturing practice. 
  3. The use of Chlorofluorocarbon Propellants (fully halogenated chlorofluoroalkanes) in cosmetic aerosol products intended for domestic consumption is prohibited.
  4. Bithionol because it may cause photo-contact sensitization. 
  5. Halogenated salicylanilides (di-, tri-, metabromsalan and tetrachlorosalicylanilide), because they may cause photo contact sensitization. 
  6. Chloroform because of its animal carcinogenicity and likely hazard to human health. 
  7. Vinyl chloride as an ingredient of aerosol products, because of its carcinogenicity. 
  8. Zirconium-containing complexes in aerosol cosmetic products, because of their toxic effect on lungs, including the formation of granulomas. 
  9. Methylene chloride because of its animal carcinogenicity and likely hazard to human health.